Saturday, January 5, 2008

K6JCA Console now on the Flex SVN site

The K6JCA Console (and code) can be found on the Flex-radio SVN site. They're in the "Branches" folder, under "k6jca". If you aren't already using their SVN update process, please go to the FlexRadio website and search on "SVN" for additional details.

Features include:

1. Combined Panadapter/Waterfall display mode.
2. Front panel Record and Playback buttons (that are easy to use!)
3. Peak needle for the Edge S-Meter
4. Ability to take a "snapshot" of the panadapter data line and display it along with the normal data line.
5. Identify Peaks within +/- 10 pixels of the cursor's 'x' coordinate (like the SR760 spectrum analyzer does).
6. SAM Lock - locks and zero beats the strongest signal (by automatically adjusting RIT) within a frequency "window". Great for Boatanchor nets where no one is on frequency (Flex's "stock" SAM PLL can take a looong time to lock sometimes. This gets around that problem).
7. The 'Restore' button now toggles between the "stored" frequency and the frequency you were last on. In other words, if you press RESTORE once, you go to the "stored" frequency. If you press it again, you go back to where you were. (Very useful!)

(Additional information can be found in the posts below...)


Rick - K7ET said...

Jeff, Great to see you're back in the console business. We look forward to using your newly designed tools when we get back to San Diego. Rick

Jeff said...

Thanks for the comments, Rick!

AB7G said...


Great job. Just got my Ozy/Janus boards up and running with an old Dell Inspiron 8000 notebook and Powermate cursor control.

Not sure if it is on your bug list, but my Powermate control does not work with V1.10.4 (but does work with PowerSDR 1.10.3.

Gerry AB7G